World Fusion / Fusion / Post-Fusion Contemporary / Third Stream / Jazz Related Rock • Indonesia
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Guitarist, composer and producer. Born I DewaGedeBudjana on 30 August 1963 in Waikabubak, West Sumba, Indonesia. Based on a solid body of work as a jazz artist in his solo albums whilst also being the lead guitarist and songwriter of the band Gigi, DewaBudjana’s ability to bring together rock and jazz has firmly established his position as one of the top Indonesian guitarist. DewaBudjana’s journey as a musician started at the early age of eleven when he bought his first guitar. His passion and talent for the instrument was further nurtured when the Balinese native moved to the city of Surabaya where he was introduced to the music of Leo Kristi and John Denver. During this period, his tendencies varied from jazz rock to progressive influenced by John McLaughlin of the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Yes, Gentle Giant, ELP and later by Keith Jarrett, Jan Garbarek, Chick Corea, Bill Frissell, Jeff Beck, read more...
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DEWA BUDJANA Discography

DEWA BUDJANA albums / top albums

DEWA BUDJANA Nusa Damai album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Nusa Damai
World Fusion 1997
DEWA BUDJANA Gitarku album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
World Fusion 2000
DEWA BUDJANA Samsara album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
World Fusion 2003
DEWA BUDJANA Home album cover 4.00 | 2 ratings
World Fusion 2005
DEWA BUDJANA Dawai in Paradise album cover 4.22 | 7 ratings
Dawai in Paradise
World Fusion 2011
DEWA BUDJANA Christmas Collection album cover 1.00 | 1 ratings
Christmas Collection
Post-Fusion Contemporary 2013
DEWA BUDJANA Joged Kahyangan album cover 3.76 | 7 ratings
Joged Kahyangan
Post-Fusion Contemporary 2013
DEWA BUDJANA Surya Namaskar album cover 3.64 | 7 ratings
Surya Namaskar
Fusion 2014
DEWA BUDJANA Hasta Karma album cover 3.61 | 4 ratings
Hasta Karma
Fusion 2015
DEWA BUDJANA Zentuary album cover 4.02 | 4 ratings
World Fusion 2016
DEWA BUDJANA Mahandini album cover 4.83 | 3 ratings
Jazz Related Rock 2018
DEWA BUDJANA Dewa Budjana, Tohpati : Janapati album cover 3.07 | 3 ratings
Dewa Budjana, Tohpati : Janapati
Third Stream 2019
DEWA BUDJANA Naurora album cover 3.57 | 4 ratings
World Fusion 2021


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DEWA BUDJANA re-issues & compilations

DEWA BUDJANA Postcard from Bali album cover 4.00 | 1 ratings
Postcard from Bali
World Fusion 2017

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.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Gitarku, Hidupku, Kekasihku: Live In Concert
World Fusion 2008



Album · 2021 · World Fusion
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After excursions into hard rock and classical music, “Naurora” finds Dewa Budjana returning to what he does best, performing jazz fusion flavored with the sounds of southern and eastern Asia, progressive rock and big cinematic arrangements. Many well known guests join Dewa on this one, including Joey Alexander, Gary Husband, Dave Weckl, Paul McCandless and many more. “Naurora” continues a trend we have been seeing more of lately, and that is a CD whose length is equal to the length of a vinyl LP. Eighty minutes of music can be fatiguing, whereas about forty minutes seems to be just about right.

The best tracks on “Naurora” come early on with the first three leading the way. Album opener, and title track, “Naurora”, displays what Budjana is best at. Here we have that big soundtrack style production within a multi-sectional arrangement that often uses Indonesian gamelon type figures. Within this arrangement we are given lengthy solos from Dewa, as well as Joey Alexander on piano. The following song, “Swarna Jingga”, continues with the lavish arrangements and introduces Mateus Asato on guitar. As good as Budjana is, he is almost out shone by Mateus, who performs an excellent exchange with Dewa. Possibly the best number on the album is the ballad, Kmalasana”. This is a beautiful melody played on a guitar that is capable of South Asian style note bends. As the song builds, repeating guitar lines sound like a grand mid-70s Genesis opus, I was almost expecting Phil Collins’ vocals to come soaring in for the last refrain.

The rest of the album is good, but its those first three that really shine. Dewa really deserves to be better known amongst those that appreciate supreme fusion guitar flights. If you like performers like John McLaughlin and Alan Holdsworth, then there is a good chance this album, as well as many of his other albums, will be what you are looking for.

DEWA BUDJANA Dewa Budjana, Tohpati : Janapati

Album · 2019 · Third Stream
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Dewa Budjana and Tohpati are the two top guitarists in Indonesia’s thriving fusion scene, and on “Janapati”, they join forces for a musical extravaganza backed by a full orchestra. Even the album title refers to their union as it is comprised of syllables taken from both of their names. With two well known guitarists on board, one world probably expect a non-stop shred fest, but instead, the music on here is often created with lush orchestral passages which leave space for their solos, mostly on acoustic guitars. The orchestral music itself draws on both Indonesian and Western melodies, and bears some resemblance to late 19th century classical romanticism, but much of this very robust ensemble work is actually more reminiscent of Broadway spectaculars and panoramic film scores. The orchestra hits you full blast when the CD first opens, and continues to dominate for much of the album. It is a well recorded bright orchestra sound that is just massive in its scope and presence.

On a couple tracks they set the orchestra aside for some great guitar duets. 'D Romance" features some of the best fret work as they open the song with intertwining classical melodies that open into a jazzy middle section. The electric version of title track, “Duology”, is a high energy rocker that carries the most all out shredding. “Duology” also appears again later on the album, this time in an acoustic format. In some ways, the electric version may seem out of place on this album, but I would imagine fans of both guitarists wouldn’t have minded hearing some more jams in that style.


Album · 2018 · Jazz Related Rock
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kev rowland
We all recognise certain people within the music world who we respect and admire for one reason or another. These tend to be musicians themselves, but for more than twenty years one person I have been in awe of is Leonardo Pavkovic, who when he isn’t touring with one of his bands is also discovering wonderful musicians and making them available to the wider world. Such is the case with Dewa Budjana, a guitarist who has sold millions of albums in Indonesia but wasn’t recognised outside his home country until ‘Dawal In Paradise’ was released on Moonjune, since when many of us always look forward to the next album with real interest. One of the reasons for that is Dewa is always looking to expand, branch and change. It is rare that he will use the same group of musicians from one album to the next, and records very quickly indeed, capturing energy and then moving on. This album was recorded in one day in January 2018, postproduction and overdubs took place, and then it was mixed and mastered in the March.

This album sees Dewa working with Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment), drummer Marco Minnemann (The Aristocrats, Steven Wilson, Joe Satriani, Adrian Belew, Trey Gunn, The Mute Gods, Eddie Jobson UK) and bassist Mohini Dey (Steve Vai, Guthrie Govan). There are also guest appearances by John Frusciante (Red Hot Chilli Peppers), fusion guitar veteran Mike Stern (Miles Davis, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Billy Cobham, Jaco Pastorius) and by the haunting voice of Indonesian singer Soimah Pancawati.

I don’t think I have previously come across 22-year-old Dey prior to this, and if she is playing like this at her age, I can’t even imagine what she will be doing in the next 10 or 20 years. There are times when I found I was concentrating more on what she was doing than Budjana, such is her impact on this album. There is a section at the end of “Queen Kanya” where the interplay between her and Minnemann is incredible: I would happily keep playing that on repeat as it blows me away each and every time. Rudess is one of the most important keyboard players in the scene, but due to the way the music has been arranged he is often more in the background but playing as perfectly as ever. This album starts with “Crowded”, a song not written by Budjana, a first for one of his solo works, but instead it is by John Frusciante who also provides vocals (as well as on closing song “Zone”). Rudess gently provides the introduction which allows Budjana to pick up the theme before Frusciante comes in. Here we get the flashes of genius which only come when musicians are masters of their craft, and also here coming from different musical areas and joining together to create something special. In many ways this is one of the most commercial songs ever released by Budjana, and in itself it may well create interest from those who have yet to come across him as the rock elements blast, but the gentle sections trickle along like a babbling brook.

Later in the album we are treated to the vocals of Indonesian tradition singer Soimah Pancawati, and this mix of styles works incredibly well, as America meets Asia in a way which only makes sense due to the way the music has been arranged. Each of Budjana’s albums is a delight from start to end, and this is no different. Regarding the title he says “The title Mahandini comes from two words, Maha & Nandini: Maha means means big, great and Nandini means ‘the vehicle that carries the God Shiva’ in indian. Using this word as the name for this great line-up resulted in a good sign, it sounded like I had a Great Vehicle for my music. I was lucky!” So are we.


Album · 2016 · World Fusion
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Maybe there’s something in the water down there in Indonesia, but an already active fusion scene seems to keep getting better and better. Recently Dwiki Dharmawan raised the bar with his massive double CD, “Pasar Klewer”, which combined all manner of jazz, fusion and south Asian music and instruments. Not to be out done, Dewa Budjana has responded with his own epic double CD (3 LP!) offering, “Zentuary”, that mixes together fusion, Indonesian music, post bop and classic progressive rock into a strong unified musical vision. Dewa brings some definite heavy hitters on board to help with his massive creation, including Tony Levin on bass, and Gary Husband and Jack DeJonette sharing drums and keyboards. Tim Garland and Danny Markovitch play sax on a few cuts, and Guthrie Govan plays guitar on one track. A variety of other guests provide Indonesian vocals and flute.

Although Budjana combines many musical influences on “Zentuary”, the eventual outcome becomes his own personal creation, a style of music that belongs solely to Budjana. One of the first things one may notice is a lack of western style four beat groove that is often associated with jazz rock, instead, much of the material on here is in a flowing 3 beat groove, or some other odd metered rhythm, which both Husband and DeJohnette play with a hint of post bop swing. This isn’t ‘heavy rock’ fusion, but it does get intense, especially when Budjana is firing away on his noisy distorted guitar. Then, at other times, Dewa will play in a more melodic acoustic style that recalls Nicolas Meier.

Every track on “Zentuary” is strong, with both Cds opening with intense lengthy multi-sectioned tracks, then closing out with tracks that are more melodic and concise. Some musical highlights include Guthrie Govan’s Pink Floyd style guitar solo on the beautifully melodic “Suniakala”, and Jack DeJohnette’s intense piano solo, that channels Monk, Cecil Taylor and Matthew Shipp, on “Uncle Jack”. It sure would be nice to hear some more piano from this already amazing drummer.


Album · 2015 · Fusion
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Dewa Budjana has been putting out high quality fusion records at the rate of about one per year for quite some time now, and fortunately, each album has its own unique flavor. His latest, “Hasta Karma”, is somewhat of a return to the big orchestrated sound of 2011’s “Dewa in Paradise”, but with some differences too. Having Ben Williams on upright bass and Joe Locke on vibes gives the band more of a loose and ‘jazzy’ sound this time around, and less of the power jazz-rock sound of 2014’s “Sura Numaskar”. Joe’s vibes also provide a nice counter voice to Dewa’s guitars during solo sections, as the band is apt to break it down and play in a more sparse fashion during the vibe solos.

“Hasta Karma” opens strong with an ambitious opening track called “Saniscara”. Its big sound and driving South Asian/Latin fusion rhythms sound similar to Pat Methny’s new popular Unity band. Follow up track “Desember” is slower and darker and has one of Budjana’s best guitar solos. This burning intense noise fest of a solo may remind some of the young Robert Fripp. Follow up track, “Jayaprana” returns us to the world fusion drive and bustle of the opening cut. After hearing the unified approach of these first three songs, it would appear that Budjana is really going for a wider western audience this time around, and possibly pointing straight at Pat Methany’s recent successes, but he throws us a total curve ball on track four, “Ruang Dialisis”.

“Ruang Dialisis” is a lengthy track dedicated to Dewa’s father and features a recording of his grandmaother, Jro Ktut Sidemen, chanting Mamuit in the form of a traditional funeral song. This chant is accompanied first by mournful guitar arpeggios, followed by a free section in which Dewa and his band really cut loose and then a return to the opening section. It’s a powerful and moving track and unlike anything I’ve heard from Dewa before, and certainly well beyond any commercial considerations or ‘crossover’ appeal. The following two closing tracks are good, but not as focused as the first four. “Just Kidding” is a patchwork of decent jazzy jam sessions, and “Payogan Rain” is a mid-tempo contemporary jazz, almost pop, number with relaxed solos for everyone.

Another excellent album for Dewa Budjana, he and Joe Locke turn in good solos on almost every track, and the first four tracks in particular feature Dewa’s usual skills at arranging and composing.

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