js wrote:
Most of the people who work here as collabs have a broad knowledge of the entire history of jazz, 1920s to the present. We are especially interested in people who know a lot about jazz from 1920s to 1950s. |
That leaves me out, since the value of "jazz" as an art form in the 20th century is being left behind ... for the smaller bit of knowledge of jazz between the 1920's and 1950's ... and the listing and materials over the Internet on this are not very good, and might list a few names, but no one seems to know much about the music itself or how it survived as an art form at the time ... and that includes a band using 2 names, and not a single fan knows anything about those 2 folks or how they relate ... I bet you one thing though ... they don't relate anyway and it was just cool to name it after musicians instead of the "normal" style of clever names for a band to be noticed on radio !!!
In my mind, I don't think that "jazz" was valuable or important until after WW2 when it seems like it just woke up, but obviously that meant that it was already important and around, enough to be noticed but there was no forum anywhere that showed it or discussed ... the forum boards of today did not come around until the late 1990's after the Fido threads started falling off because of the amount of spam in them.
The 1920's was much more about film, and the public reaction to it ... with many stories about it, however .... THE JAZZ SINGER made a massive impression and the hard part is that he was NOT black, and had a painted face ... which speaks more about the studios than it does about the music itself. His music continued for at least 10 more years, though he is not exactly seen or heard after WW2 for some reason, and I think the studios were now more interested in their stars than anything else. But somehow, after WW2 black music took off and it was noticed, though the record companies (owned by the film studios, btw!!!) did not think the public would be interested in black music ... until one day they were found to be very wrong! One important detail ... Darryl F. Zanuck was the producer of the film, and he was one of the folks that helped pioneer the "cardboard" black that went on to television later.
The Jazz Singer, is often thought to be the first "talkie" film of all ... however, history of film in Europe has never really shown or added to this, and there were a lot of experimental small films done in Europe (and likely America) that we don't know about or have not ever seen.
There you have it ... the arts in the 20th century in America ... in Europe, you can add Theater, Film, Literature and Painting to the whole thing, but in America it kinda stops with the stars and the blue or pink scrim in the background! America was not very good or caring about the arts, and still isn't ... and the ideas that define a website like this one or its sister site, are ... for my tastes, a bit off key in that they are almost totally and completely separated from all the arts and the history around them. Kinda reminds me of one of the things during the depression ... and how so many things were written off newspapers and performed ... and there were many writers that made their name at the time ... but one thing that was not touched and made it even further was radio dramas and theater ... that finally made its mark one day when the whole nation got scared senseless and the Feds immediately started a bunch of rules to prevent radio from scaring people like that ... and it was Orson Welles that did it, btw ... but he was never given the historical perception that he deserved ... but again, this was almost a complete freak show that got folks listening to radio even more ... and WW2 was about radio and how it spoke of everything.
The arts in America, you could say, were a huge mess, and the Depression really hurt many folks, and I'm sure that the 30's are completely invisible for jazz and blacks ... a really sad thought in my book ... but I can't say I ever found much about it ... I think I have to go read one of my books on black film ... "From Sambo to Superspade" ... by Daniel Leab. I do not remember how far back he goes on the book and will see if I can find something there ... but I am not sure that as much stuff was visible and heard from the 20's on when the record that became the LP was first created, however, its availability was very limited to well to do folks ... and that left the population behind for the most part.
In Europe, it was ... all of it together, but in America this is impossible since America is a sort of 4 or 5 countries together ... you're not likely to find, for example, a lot of "jazz" in those early years in the country and western sides of the country, because they were not "hits" and no one ever heard them ... even though for several years there was a long list of black musicians that did their thing all over the country, but none of them really made it big ... reminds me of a guy that worked at the PBS station in LA that had quit the music business and his 30 minute special was far out, and dumped by the station and not respected for what it said and what he sang ... Mississippi Charles Bevel was extraordinary ... but the record companies didn't care about a soulful and beautiful voice ... and many black artists were dumped ... for a long time. The LA station will not reply to the email requests about it, or if the special film they had on Mr. Bevel still existed ... just another example how America treats its artists ... and it ain't in just one place in America!